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Year Six

KS2 SATS Test Week - 19.04.23

Lego Robotics in Design Technology

Still image for this video
We made "drumming monkeys" and used the ipads to control them

Design Technology. Using pulley systems to move tomatoes down a hillside (a real problem in Nepal)

​​​​​September 2022

A special welcome to all our Year 6 children.

Robin Wood kit list: please click the link below


Cross Country January & February 2022

Warn and Inform Letter 20.09.21

Welcome to Year 6 for 2021-2


Please find below some work your child can access should they need to isolate (assuming they are well enough)




Year 6 End of Year Events 16.07.21


I have sent individual dojo messages to people who have not yet ordered

Good Morning Year 6!


I hope everyone is keeping well. Here's our home learning for this week:




Good morning Year 6. Here is our work for this week. Don't forget our Zoom catch ups on Monday, Wednesday and Friday if you can.



The BBC has produced a lesson on INTERNET SAFETY. Please click the link below to watch the lesson. There is also some links for activities- please click the link below to watch the lesson



Children's Mental Health Week assembly - with BAFTA Kids and Oak National Academy



Work for week beginning 1st February








Work for week beginning 18th January


Please have a go at uploading to your Dojo portfolio, if you haven't already done so

Home Learning for week beginning 11th January


Good morning Year 6. It's been great to read all your comments and messages on Dojo- keep sending them!! Remember to log in to our Zoom catch ups- details through Dojo. Here's your work for this week:



Home Learning: Monday 4th Jan


Good morning Year 6. As you are aware, we are back on home learning. In the mornings, I would like you to complete the Maths and English lessons set. If you have a printer, you can print the maths sheets. If not- don't worry- just write your answers on paper. Send me a dojo and let me know how you are getting on (and what your best Christmas present was)





Tools for learning at home


We work hard to support children’s learning outside the classroom and recognise that technology provides an incredible opportunity to support work in class and enable children to develop very important independent skills and habits. 

We have invested in a number of subscription-based online tools that will enable your child to continue learning at home with the aid of a computer, tablet or smartphone. Below are some of the best of these tools. 





Read Theory is a wonderful tool to help children develop their reading skills, with short comprehension based activities and a wealth of topics to learn about. After an initial assessment, your child will be given texts to read appropriate to their reading level. 


Spelling Shed forms the backbone of our spelling curriculum. There are weekly spelling lists that group spellings so that we can teach the rules that apply to them. Spellings are grouped together and after logging in, a child can play games to practise spelling words at their stage. Simply click on the button in the top right and click ‘Web Game’. Website:



Manga High is a wonderful tool for learning mathematics, fully paid for by FROSTYs. After logging in, children can click the ‘wand’ tool and be given challenges and games that suit their needs. Going for ‘gold medals’ is the highest you can achieve (although be warned: this takes perseverance and effort!) You can also search for areas that you need to improve on and play brilliant games that support your learning! (NOTE: our school code is 68218) 


Times Tables Rock Stars is all the rage at St. Teresa’s at the moment. Choosing your ‘rock’ avatar and then playing a series of games to practise times tables against the clock and other opponents really sharpens your skills. Don’t worry about having them written in front of you while you work. This will only help embed them. We want children to know times tables by memory, without having to work them out. This game really works! Website:


General curriculum resources 

Espresso really is one of the best digital resources we have in school. It has a wealth of videos, quizzes, activities, worksheets etc. on it and can be accessed at home. Start a module about the solar system! Or find out about the Tudor times! You have access to an amazing number of subjects and activities at the click of a button. 


High School Admissions September 2021

BTH Admissions September 2021


Year 6 Final Week

Possible Y6 return

These are some additional curriculum activities, but PLEASE do not feel under pressure to complete them. Focus on Maths and English, and do WHAT you can WHEN you can. 

Work for week beginning 13th July

White Rose Videos



Work for week beginning 6th July

White Rose Videos

In English, we are completing our letters of complaint


Work for week beginning 29th June

White Rose Videos

English- This week, we are starting a 2 week unit on writing a letter of complaint


Work for week beginning 22nd June

White Rose Maths Videos

English- This week, we will be writing our newspaper reports


Work for week beginning 15th June

White Rose Maths Videos


We are going to begin a 2 week block on newspaper reports, using the Oak Academy resources. This week's lessons focus on reading skills and identifying key features of a newspaper. Next week we will be writing newspaper reports based on Harry Potter extracts. 


Speak out. Stay safe. Virtual Assembly

Welcome to our virtual 'Speak out. Stay Safe.' assembly! This session will be led by the wonderful Sally from our Schools Service, and features special guest...

Work for week beginning 8th June

White Rose Maths Weekly Videos

English for week Beginning 8th June

Reading Comprehension and answers


Work for week beginning 18th May

English Week Beginning 18th May


Work for week beginning 11th May





A message for our Y6 children

Work for week beginning 4th May


White Rose Maths (Please click the link below to watch the daily video)

Worksheets for each day are available to download below (along with the answers) - as they are no longer freely available on the White Rose website.

Maths - Please click on the link below (White Rose) to watch the daily lesson videos. Please to this before you attempt the worksheets.

Work for week beginning 14/4, 20/4

Please complete 'White Rose Maths week 2' (see link below) and Opening Doors English work


Writing Blog

Writing Unit- Opening Doors

Maths Work (week beginning 30/3/20)


2D and 3D Shape 

Please watch the following videos from the excellent "Corbett Maths Primary" (Click link below). You will also finds questions you can print off if you wish (plus answers) to check your understanding.


Videos for this week: 58, 59, 53, 70, 42, 45


Remember to keep working on TT Rockstars



Science Investigation: Parachutes

Famous Victorians

Yr6 Height and Weights 2019

A fabulous day at The Marist Centre. We explored our feelings about moving to high school through drama, song and prayer

Marist Centre Visit 26.06.19

Design Technology project- making old shoes fabulous

Bridge building competition!! Super collaborative work!

Building beam bridges and testing them for strength

CAFOD at Christmas 


Thank you very much for all your support with our CAFOD cake sale.


Y6 have decided to buy some water for a family and a goat.


£61 was raised.


Well done everyone!

Year 6 Trip to the Manchester Art Gallery

Meeting the owls

Y6 head and deputy head boys and girls

In Year 6 we have been sketching our shoes

Autumn Term 2018-19

Yr6 Trip to The Marist Centre


Spring Term

2017-18 Autumn Term



Cross stitch cards

Yr6 Trip to the Marist Centre



Don't forget to follow us on Twitter





Thanks to everyone who attended the Y6 SATs meeting last Wednesday.


A copy of the powerpoint (including the video) is available below.

SATs Meeting for Parents Powerpoint



Welcome to Year 6!

It's been a busy start to the year with 2 trips already (Crucial Crew and Trafford Town Hall)


We are having a really big push on Reading this year, so please support us by ensuring that your child reads regularly at home- we love them 'getting lost in a book'



Meeting the Mayor and watching a citizenship ceremony at Trafford Town Hall

Learning about staying safe in our cummunity at Crucial Crew

Working together helps us to improve

KS2 tests 2016

A short video aimed at parents to give outline information about the new National Curriculum tests.

SATs Meeting 27/1/16

ARCHIVE (previous years)

Our Technology project is 'Building Bridges'. These are our first models.
