Clothesline is the clothing collection that raises funds for the school. You can donate at any time, and the pick-up usually takes place in the last week of term. The next one is scheduled for October 2016. Frostys is paid by the kg for clothing you donate.
Your clothing collection has helped FROSTYs raise £175.80 from 352kg!
The collection point has now reopened (the wheelie bin in the Junior playground).
Bag2School accepts the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE:
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Scarves and ties
Soft toys
Bag2School do not accept:
* Bag2School are unable to accept wet clothing, so please make sure your donations are put into plastic bags prior to placing in the collection bin. Thank you!
All donations gratefully received
The collection bin can be found against the rear wall of the school in the junior playground (facing the rear entrance). Please could you put your donations in plastic bags to guard against rain - thank you!