St. Teresa's Governing Body oversees the leadership and management of the school and ensures the best possible education for every child. It is comprised of parent governors, staff governors, local authority representatives and foundation governors appointed by the Diocese of Salford.
In addition to meeting as a whole governing body, governors also have special roles on sub-committees that meet regularly and focus on areas such as standards, buildings, finance and human resources.
They also take responsibility for helping to develop subject areas across the school, in collaboration with the Subject Leaders.
The Role of the Governing Body:
Current Governing Board:
Dr Graeme Balfour - Chair of Governors - Foundation - Curriculum and Standards Committee (Chair)
Joeleen Brien - Staff Governor - Curriculum and Standards Committee
Chloe Horrigan - Foundation - Finance and Buildings Committee Chair - Vice Chair GB
Cllr Judith Lloyd - Local Authority - Safeguarding Governor - Finance and Buildings Committee
Clare Kanakides - Foundation - Finance and Buildings Committee
Kieran Poole - Foundation - Finance and Buildings Committee
Rebecca Potts-Jacobs - Parent Governor - Curriculum and Standards Committee
Anthony Schilling - Headteacher - All Committees
Sharon Tiernan - Foundation - SEND Governor - Curriculum and Standards Committee
Irena Gajdosik - Parent Governor - Curriculum and Standards Committee