Interpreting the text.
What is the sacred text of Christianity? The children will be looking at the Bible.
Parents I have included both lessons 19 and 20 today. The children don't have to complete them all today but thought if they have any spare time they can finish the unit. As we are going to spend Friday focusing on Chinese New Year.
Lesson 19 to write the build up to the story creating suspense including the use of ellipses and exclamation marks.
Lesson 20 to continue to write the build up part 2.
Watch the videos and pause it when required.
Today you are going to be subtracting measures.
Watch the video to find out more and complete the worksheets. Remember to get an adult to mark your work. If you have any questions you can always message me and I can help you.
What are the parables of Jesus?
In this lesson, we will be learning about the parables of Jesus. Parables are stories that Jesus told. We will be looking at three parables (stories) and will also be learning a song! Enjoy the lesson.
WALT : write the second part of the opening.
Make sure your re-read your work, checking for capital letters and full stops.
WALT: Equivalent lengths - m & cm.
Watch the video and pause it when required.
Food, glorious food.
Watch the video and complete the tasks set.
WALT: write the first part of the opening part 1.
Watch the video and pause when required. Remember always punctuate your sentences correctly. Full stops and capital letters please.
WALT: interpret Pictograms
Also could you please log on to Times Tables Rock Stars and do some daily practice. I will send out your log in details on dojo next week. .
Who was Jesus?
Watch the video and complete the work. Stopping the video when required.
I would also like you to write a prayer for Mrs Langston, so that we keep her in our hearts.
Thursday 21st January
Watch the video and pause it when required.
To sequence and retell the opening of the story.
Watch the video and pause it when required.
How we see things?
Watch the video and enjoy the session.