Safeguarding Information
It is the duty of everyone within our school community to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and at St. Teresa’s we take this responsibility very seriously.
If you have a concern about a child, you should speak with the class teacher. If you feel that a child may be at risk of harm you should inform:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr A Schilling, Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr D Hunter, Assistant Headteacher
If you are worried about the conduct of the safeguarding leads, you may contact our safeguarding governor
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs J Lloyd
Harm to children is identified in 4 ways:
Physcial harm: When a child is deliberately hurt or injured
Sexual harm: When a child is influenced or forced to take part in a sexual act or look at inappropriate images
Emotional harm: When a child is made to feel frightened, unloved or being encouraged to support extremist ideas that are part of ideology.
Neglect: When a child’s needs are not being met, for example: poor diet, poor hygiene, being left alone, not attending school or not attending appointments.
You must inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately if you have ANY concerns about:
If a child discloses information to you then you must take the following action:
If you are unable to locate the Designated Safeguarding Leads, ask a member of the school office staff to find them and to ask to speak with them immediately about a confidential and urgent matter.
For further guidance, the school’s child protection policy can be found in the office or on the school’s website under the ‘policies’ tab.
If you are concerned about a member of staff, a child’s parent, carer or a volunteer you should report your concern immediately to the Headteacher. If you concern is about the Headteacher you should pass the information to the Chair of the Governing Body.
Unless the concern is related to the school, we must be informed if you refer a concern directly to Trafford’s Safeguarding Team (first Response– 0161 912 5125).
The threat we face from terrorism is real, and the Prevent Strategy recognises that we cannot arrest our way out of the problem. Safeguarding and supporting vulnerable people to stop them from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism is at the heart of Prevent.
The focus of Prevent is on the significant threat posed by international terrorism and those in the United Kingdom who are inspired by it. It is also concerned with reducing threats, risks and vulnerabilities posed by domestic extremists such as those from the far right and far left, extreme animal rights activists and those involved in Northern Irish related terrorism.
Prevent is supported by three objectives:
The GOV.UK website provides further information on the Prevent Strategy.
Operation Encompass