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Tuesday 2nd March                                                                                                   English Lesson 2 Answering retrieval questions from the text.

Watch the video and pause it when required.



Collective worship


Maths                                                                                                                       Recognise a half.  Watch the video and complete the worksheets.

History                                                                                                                    What is life like in a Neolithic settlement?  Watch the video to find out more.



Tuesday 23rd February


Reading Unit the children will answer questions related to the text. Watch the video to find out more. 

Collective Worship

Maths  - Calculating the Perimeter.

Watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheets.


What can artefacts tell us about people who lived during the different periods?

Watch the video to find out more.



Tuesday 9th February 

Today is Internet Safety Day which is more appropriate than ever with children working remotely. CBBC will be putting on a  Live lesson related to internet Safety at 11.00 a.m, which I would recommend the children watch.  


It features Rhys Stephenson and Mr Smith, who are joined by Max & Harvey, Hacker T Dog, Mandip Gill, Jodie Whittaker and more to help us learn how to stay safe, responsible and wise in an increasingly digital world. The children could design a poster showing us how to keep safe online. 

English- To practise and apply knowledge of more suffixes: Past and present tense, including test.

Watch the video and pause it when required. 



Comparing lengths.

Children should watch the video and complete the worksheets set. 



How are shadows formed?

Watch the video to find out more.


Tuesday 2nd February

Collective worship

Candlemass  - Mrs Dawson has produced a lovely assembly. 

English - Spellings

To investigate more suffixes: Past and present tense.

Watch the video and pause it when required. 

 Maths - New topic on Measures

WALT; measure length.

Mad Minute Maths

We will be having a times table test on Friday during the zoom session. Therefore I have attached some Mad Minute Maths.  We are starting with our 2,5 and 10 times tables.  There are three tables, so you can complete them Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ready for the test on Friday.   You have one minute to complete as many of the times table questions.  The answers are also below to check your work.

History- Last term the children looked at the Stone Age which the children loved, so we are going to embed their knowledge and skills and apply our knowledge over the next two weeks. 


Tuesday 26th January 2021




WALT: practise and apply knowledge of suffixes.

Maths - we are starting a new topic in Maths today. -Statistics

WALT: make a tally chart. 

Watch the video below and complete the worksheet.

PSHE - Life is about balance. 



Tuesday 19th January


I have uploaded a lovely singing assembly for you.


Pounds and pence- watch the video and pause when required.



English - Lesson 2

To investigate suffixes: Past and present tense.

Watch the video and pause when required. 

Afternoon Work - Art continued from Monday's session. If you have completed it on Monday you could write a detailed description about your monster.  Or you could do your guided reading activity. 


Spellings - lesson 21 adding the suffix ly to root words ending in le.

I have included the powe point presentation and the worksheets for you to work through.
