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FROSTYS (Friends of St Teresa's): About Us

FROSTYs is an group made up of parents and carers which supports the school.  We are registered as a charity with the Charity Commission (reg. no. 1067962), and are a member of PTA-UK. Over the years, FROSTYs has raised thousands of pounds, mainly from money you donate. These funds have been spent on purchasing equipment and resources (such as the Trim Trail and library books) to enhance our children’s educational experience and the school’s facilities.

FROSTYs is about much more than simply fundraising. The PTA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together in support of the school.  It is fun too!

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available.


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