Monday 1st March - Happy St David's Day.
PE with Joe Wicks at 9.00 a.m. however the sessions are on his YouTube channel if you want to catch up later in the day or week.
English- Another Reading Module this week inspired from the book The Suitcase Kid by Jacqueline Wilson. Today's lesson is about engaging with the text.
Watch the video and complete the work set.
I have uploaded a Presentation for the children to go through about St David's day and a fun word search for them to do.
St David's Day presentation
St David's day wordsearch
Zoom at 11.30 a.m. Bingo which is back by popular demand.
Maths - We are starting a new topic related to fractions. The first lesson is a recap session about making equal parts. Watch the video and pause it when required. Then complete the worksheets. Remember to ask an adult to mark your work.
Science - Magnetism. The children are looking at what magnets are in this session.
Watch the video and enjoy your lesson.
Monday 22nd February
PE with Joe Wicks
English - The children will be starting a new Reading Topic this week based on the book Into The Forest by Anthony Browne.
Zoom call at 11.30 today. We will be having a catch up so be thinking about what you can share with us about your week off.
Lent Assembly
Mrs Dawson has produced a lovely Lent Assembly for you to watch.
Maths I have included an additional video about what permeter is, before they move onto measuring the perimeter.
To measure the perimeter of shapes. Watch the video to find out more.
We are starting a new topic in Science - Magnetism
The first lesson is about what are non-contact forces.
Monday 8th February 2021
PE with Joe Wicks at 9.00 a.m.
WALT: sequence and retell the build up to the BFG.
Remember to watch the video and pause it when required.
Zoom call at 11.30 - Bingo is back by popular demand.
Maths- Comparing Lengths
Watch the video and pause it when required.
What were the different periods in the Stone age?
Watch the video to find out more.
Monday 1st February
PE with Joe Wicks at 9.00 a.m.
WALT: write the second part of the opening (Part 1)
remember to pause the video when required.
Lesson 19 - The /l/ sound spelled ‘-al’ at the end of words.
Zoom call at 11.30 a.m - Bingo
Maths- Tables
Science - Lesson 4
Which materials are reflective?
Work commencing Monday 25th January - Happy Burns day.
Monday 25th is Burns Night! Follow the links below to find out all about it! - story of Robert Burns - KS2 - address to the haggis - Cbeebies radio: Burns Night
PE with Joe Wicks at 9.00a.m
Walt: to generate vocabulary for character description.
Collective Worship
If you click on this link below it takes you to little video clips for each week and it focuses on Sunday’s Gospel .
Maths -Giving Change
Watch the video and pause it when required.
Spellings - week 18 Challenge words
Remember to do some each day.
Science- The difference between day and night.
Monday 18th January
9.00 am PE with Joe Wicks, a great start to the week.
English - The BFG -Narrative
WALT: identify the main characters and setting in a visual narrative.
Watch the video and pause it when instructed.
Maths- Recapping counting money- pounds
WALT: county money in pounds and solve problems related to money.
Watch the video and pause it when required.
Spellings from the Spelling Shed
Lesson 17 - Homophones.
Work your way through the sheets related to your spellings, maybe do some each day.
Art and design
For art this week I would like you create a monster that is going to eat your pizza. You can draw, paint,, use chalks, collage or create a 3D model. It is up to you. Just use the equipment you have at home, please don't go and buy anything special for it. A drawing is sufficient, but if you want to be more creative feel free. This may take you longer, so I will set it for Tuesday's afternoon work too. I would love to see photographs of what you create. Please put them in your portfolio on class dojo.
Zoom at 2.30 p.m - Speaking and listening